Day one in their new home. |
The girls have arrived!
They've been here for a week and we're having a blast with them. We ordered six, but seven arrived. She is a mystery -- not sure what breed she is.
In any event, she joins her sisters -- Buff Orpington, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, and Barred Rock.
Regardless of breed, just hoping SHE is a SHE!
Thus far our adventure has been eye-opening. What we've learned so far:
- Chickens are messy. Wowza...I thought kids were tough to keep clean? Kids have nothing on these chickens! No sooner do they have fresh water than BAM, full of pine shavings!!!
- Chicks fall asleep. Fast. Super Fast. One second they're drinking water and the next they're face down in a pile of pine!
- They need more room than you think they will ever need. Yeah, that little brooder won't last long! Two weeks in and hubby is off to build a larger one this weekend.
- They have personalities! We have the laid back chick, the bully, and the gal who just wants to lay under the heat lamp and get some rest. Sometimes I think she looks like she is waiting for her cocktails to arrive!
- Love. Yup. We're crazy about them. In fact, even my reluctant husband has been caught fussing over them.
Chicken run is in place, the coop has been ordered, and plans are afoot for a larger brooder in the meantime. I'd say things are running smoothly.
If anyone has questions about what to get me for Christmas, here's a hint.
“Alvin smiled back, and kissed her. "People talk about fools counting chickens before they hatch. That's nothing. We name them.” - Orson Scott Card, Alvin Journeyman
“Alvin smiled back, and kissed her. "People talk about fools counting chickens before they hatch. That's nothing. We name them.” - Orson Scott Card, Alvin Journeyman
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